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Helping neurodiverse and chronically ill storytellers reclaim their time, energy, attention, and space so they can create a magical creative life.

comfortable white linen chair with gray striped pillow

My Philosophy

Stories hold the power to heal. 

Writer’s block, imposter syndrome, procrastination, and self-sabotage are symptoms of being out of alignment with our core truths and unique minds, hearts, and bodies.

At the Authors Apothecary, I help neurodivergent and chronically ill storytellers who have attempted to incorporate conventional tips and strategies but still struggle to show up and share their stories with the world.

I developed the T.E.A.S. method to show word weavers how to unlock their creativity in ways that respect and work with their natural rhythms, nervous systems, and values.  


Every writing routine is as unique as the stories you create. In order to find your flow, you must consider your season of life, your circadian rhythm, the internal pace at which you work best, and the stories you tell yourself about time.


Your most precious resource is your energy. Thankfully, it’s a renewable resource. By recognizing your energy patterns and distinguishing what boosts and drains you, you can optimize your writing life.


In a world full of shiny objects and competing priorities, it’s difficult to focus. It’s not enough to limit distractions. You must create healthy boundaries and develop mind-body connections to increase your ability to stay in deep work mode.


As a storyteller, it’s easy to envision your ideal writing space and picture your stories out in the world. But you need more than just physical and mental space. You need breathing room in your life. Space to wander, discover, and observe.  

Visit Our

Apothecary Shoppe

In the shop, you will find remedies for many of the common ailments storytellers struggle with. Each one is crafted to be easy to implement at any point in your writing journey. These thought-provoking and engaging activities will have a long-lasting impact. Each time you use them, they will improve your life and your writing.

The Shopkeeper-Jessica White

Author & Story Coach

Author Jessica White

Healing the World One Story at a Time

Stories shape every level of our lives and world. As storytellers, we are healers, caretakers, and stewards of possibility. It’s essential that we learn to author the stories we tell ourselves and others in life-honoring and empowering ways. My life’s work is to help fellow neurodivergent and chronically ill writers discover and become their authentic, beautiful selves and share their stories with the world. 

Sample texts from the workbook, including deep breathing, sensory awareness, visualize your scene and body based journaling

Unblock Your Creative Flow

Grab your free copy of this workbook to relax your nervous system and boost your creativity, focus, and well-being by incorporating somatic practices into your writing routine.

*Modifications are included for those with differing abilities. If you’d like to suggest other alternatives for your fellow writers, please do not hesitate to email me.